A Single Life" is a film that follows Pia, a woman who experiences significant moments of her life repeatedly. As Pia relives these impactful moments, she reflects on the consequences of her past choices and begins to consider future decisions. This short film, presented beautifully with animation techniques, offers viewers a compelling and engaging experience.
The Silent Child
The film "The Silent Child" tells the story of a pedagogue, Joanne, working with a four-year-old girl named Libby, who has a speech impairment. As Joanne works to help Libby learn to speak, she realizes that Libby's family is unable to see her true potential. Although Libby's family and friends are very sensitive towards her, they keep her away from social and cultural activities. Joanne helps Libby develop her speech skills by acting as her friend. The film emphasizes the importance of sign language in language education and the need to start learning it early. The story beautifully showcases Libby's journey in gaining speech skills, the power of Joanne's love for her, and the significance of the family's support for her.
Genres : Drama,
The Bigger Picture
2010/ Drama
The Bigger Picture" is a film that depicts the struggle of two brothers, Richard and Nick, as they care for their aging mother. Witnessing their parents' efforts in their old age, the brothers face their own challenges and discover the true values of their family. This film offers an emotional experience about aging and family relationships, encouraging viewers to reflect on these themes.
Genres : Drama,
The Phone Call
"The Phone Call" is a film that tells the story of Heather, a woman who discovers the true identity of the person on the other end of a phone call. During the conversation, Heather realizes that the caller is actually a psychiatrist, reaching out to help her heal from the tragedy she has experienced. This call helps Heather express her trauma and rebuild her life. The film has won awards for its powerful acting performance and compelling script.